(Worship Service Information Below)

“Worship is the heart of our life together, and we believe that the work of God flows from the Spirit-filled worship of God.” (Psalm 95:6-7, Matthew 4:10)

“We keep our hearts and minds open, believing that the Spirit will lead us to do new things & be new people as we listen to God through prayer, scripture & fellowship with one another.” (Isaiah 43:19, Acts 2:17-18, Romans 8)

“Fun is another word for the fruit of the Spirit, joy, and is a sacred activity.” (Acts 2:46-47, Galatians 5:22)

Come and join us for worship. You are welcome here, and together, we will help God’s kingdom come on earth sooner rather than later.

Entering the Worship Space

As you enter the Worship space, you will be given a bulletin with the order of service. You’ll see a large screen at the front projecting images, song words, or other aids.

We don’t have pews or hardwood floors. The worship space is carpeted, and there are movable, padded chairs, including some with arms, which we sometimes move around for special seasons or services.

You will see a pulpit, a font, and a table. The pulpit is where children, youth, and adults lead us in scripture and prayers. The font is the bowl, pitcher, and water where we baptize all ages. The table is where we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and remember how the world’s brokenness is being re-membered by the power of God.

We don’t have an organ. We do have a powerful piano and pianist. We do have choirs, and handbells. You will likely see a few guitars, other instruments, maybe a fiddle or hammer dulcimer or even bagpipes.

Sunday Worship Information 

Sunday Worship begins at 10:45am with in-person or via Livestream. Bulletins are available by clicking the link below.

Important Reminders:

  2. Starting at 10:40am, there will be a place-holder slide you will see that shows the day's hymn list, along with a 5-minute countdown clock.
  3. At 10:45am, the service begins with the ringing of the OPC bell, followed by the Welcome & Announcements.
  4. If you begin watching after the 10:45am, either skip ahead past the place-holder slide and 5-minute countdown clock, or please be patient as it counts down, this place-holder slide will go away when the clock reaches zero, and then the bell will ring and the Welcome & Announcements will begin.

LIVESTREAM - Click to access the worship service livestream on OPC YouTube channel starting at 10:45am.

BULLETIN & ORDER OF WORSHIP - Click to access the Bulletin /Order of Worship

PRAYER LIST - Click to access the OPC Prayer List

Grace & Peace,
Your OPC Worship Team

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