How Can I Give to OPC?
Give Online - Click here to give online.
Annual Pledge - a pledge is a convenant (or promise) with God to provide financial support to the church. To fulfill your pledge, you can make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments on our Realm online system, or contact the church office at office@opcusa.org.
Give by Mail - You can also send a check to OPC, 2601 Hog Mountain Road, Watkinsville Georgia, 30677.
Gifts - to make a cash or check donation, put in the offering plate on Sunday, or mail a check to the church. You may also donate gifts of appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
Give Your Time and Talent - God has equipped each of us with unique talents and passions to spread God's light and love.
Thank you for your support of the Ministries of Oconee Presbyterian Church.
Use your smartphone camera to scan this QR code to GIVE!
Pledge for 2025
Information on how to make your 2025 pledge may be found in the Stewardship letter provided below.
Your help is needed so we can have a realistic budget for next year, and work hard to serve the members and guests of OPC and our community. Please pledge, and volunteer to help our ministries. Together we can work and follow Christ in serving other--and maybe have some fun too!!
P.O. Box 1377, 2601 Hog Mountain Rd
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday (8:30am - 2:00pm)
Closed Friday
Email: office@opcusa.org
Phone: 706-769-4514