What is the Session?   What are Elders?

Presbyterian Elders are both elected and ordained. Through ordination they are officially set apart for service. They retain their ordination beyond their term in office, and have the same voice, vote, and authority as Pastors at higher governing bodies.

The Body of Elders in a particular congregation is called a Session. The Session exercises leadership, government, discipline, and has responsibility for the life of a particular church as well as the church at large.

Pastors who serve the congregation are also part of the Session, and moderate the meetings of the Session.


Recruitment and hiring of staff, contracted employees and office volunteers. Maintains staff covenants, administers performance evaluations, compensation reviews and provides education opportunities. Administration and Facilities provide the tools for running the church business and maintaining an attractive, functional, and safe environment for staff and volunteers. The church property usage, upkeep, and management are administered by the facilities team members. Strategic plans for OPC are generated, monitored and coordinated among these teams. Stewardship designs and delivers the pledging of congregants Time, Talent and Treasures for the operations and missions of the church programs and church related business. Finance monitors monetary flow and utilization of church offerings/pledges/funds.

Works with Pastor, Adults, Children and Youth Staff for the planning, coordination and execution of Worship Services and other programs/services specific to this demographic. Includes Adult Sunday School, Children/Youth Sunday School, Bible Study, Book Reviews, Retreats, Small Groups. Recruits and coordinates volunteers to support programs such as Sunday School, Confirmation, VBS, Fundraising, Meals and other programs and special events.


OPC tithes 10% of offerings/pledges collected as well as giving numerous volunteer hours to our designated missions. This team coordinates the management and oversight of the funding and support of our mission partners.


Invites in visitors and members. Coordinates volunteers for worship leaders, hospitality, ushers, offering collections and bulletin distribution.


Works with Pastor and staff for the planning, coordination and execution of worship services, including Music, Communion, Chancel and Sanctuary readiness, Memorials, Weddings and other special services.

Class of 2025

Sandy Denney



Bill Hinesley 



Amy Neill 


Welcoming and Connecting


Austin Stephens


Faith Formation

Class of 2026

Ross Brown 



Ann Parker 


Welcoming & Connecting


Becky McCaskey 



James Stanton 



Class of 2027

Carolyn Ashley


Welcoming & Connecting


Scott Haines



Hal Hodgson



Laura Tanner


Faith Formation


The clerks are those who keep records of Session deliberations, decisions, and actions.

Kathy Little 


Clerk of Session 

Ann Kohler 


Clerk of Membership

Anita York 


Clerk of Denomination

College of Elders

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Elders are ordained into their position, and carry it with them even after they serve on Session. The College of  Elders are all those who have ever been ordained in any capacity at any Presbyterian Church. They gather at the request of Session of counsel, guidance, support, and wisdom.

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