Serve the Church

We Support Our Partners 

Mission of the Month for March

Items needed: Clorox/Lysol Wipes, Cleaning Spray/Bathroom Spray, Family-size Shampoo (Cantu, Carol's Daughter, Mielle, Brown Bottle Pantene), Family-size Conditioner (Cantu, Carol's Daughter, Mielle, Brown Bottle Pantene), Family-size Body Wash, Laundry Detergent, Baby Wipes

Local Mission Partners

OPC serves many local missions which include A.C.T.S., Oconee Food for Kids, Family Promise, Mercy Health Clinic, Athens Wellness Clinic and OPC Little Free Pantry. To learn more about these missions click here. 

Regional and National Mission Partners

To learn more about our Regional and National Missions, click here.

Matthew 25 Church

   To find out more about Matthew 25
click here.

Denomination and Global Mission Partners

To learn more about our Denominational and Global Mission Partners, click here.

We come together to worship. We are sent out to be the church. We serve at church by share God’s love in Word and deed. We serve the world by relieving suffering in Christ’s Name.

We serve through the church itself as leaders, teachers, cooks, singers, liturgists, greeters, and countless other opportunities. Every ministry of this church is dependent on good hearted volunteer servants (like you).

We serve through our mission partners near and far. Our mission partners cover a wide range of needs, and accept our gifts of time and treasure. Each year, we promise and deliver 10% of our budget to mission partners.

Pastors remind us every Sunday, they are pastors, but we are the ministers. Our gifts of talent support the people through the ministries and programs of the church. Every ministry and program needs volunteers. How could you help?

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ASP Mission Trip

Souper Bowl 2024

Gardening at OPC

ASP Mission Trip 2023

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