Want to sing, play an instrument?
Contact Dallas Bono (Director of Music)

“Bless, O Lord, us thy servants who minister in thy temple.
Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts,
and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

— Motto of the Royal School of Church Music

Dallas Bono

Director of Music

No other prayer could better describe our goals as a music ministry at Oconee Presbyterian Church. Music has the power to unite souls of different backgrounds, generations, opinions, cultures, genders, and lifestyles. This congregation comes together every Sunday to celebrate this diversity. When a group of people make music together, the individual heartbeats of the musicians begin to sync together into unity. What a powerful testimony of God’s love this is!

In our music ministries, there are no auditions. Our musical groups are not populated only by professional or elite musicians. Instead, we are a group of people who love to lead worship through our combined artistic souls.

If you have a song in your heart to express, you are welcome to participate. If you don’t feel you have enough training, don’t worry—we will supply the instruction.

Alan Bunn

Church Accompanist

Oconee Presbyterian Church pianist, Alan Bunn. Alan will be an exceptional addition to our church family. He has decades of experience as a church music director, pianist, and organist.


Alan Bunn was born in Columbus, GA and attended the University of Georgia. He is married to Laurie (an elementary music teacher who graduated from Shorter College), and has one daughter, Emily (a rising 9th grader at East Jackson High School). In addition to being a church musician, he retired from teaching public school general music, chorus, and musical theatre after 31 years. He is currently an adjunct instructor teaching music appreciation at Lanier Tech's Hall campus. He also maintains an active piano teaching studio at his home. He loves to travel with his family just about anywhere, but especially to state and national parks. His other hobbies include roasting coffee, hiking, and reading.      

Do you play an instrument? Sing?

We would love to have you share your gift with us in worship.  Email Dallas Bono if you are interested.

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